The Long Play

The Long Play

It’s like a book club but for albums

Every month we choose an album to listen to together.

Here's how it works.

Who are we?

Here are the links to the podcast

Hello 👋

We’re creating a music podcast and listening club called - The Long Play.

There’s way too much great music that we’ve always wanted to listen to but have never quite made it happen. This is how we change that.

We founded The Long Play on 3 principles:

⭐ Community - Music is better enjoyed together. We want to learn from each other and enjoy the journey together.

⭐ The Album - We believe in the album as the ultimate form of the art of music. We want to listen to albums as intended, straight through, no skipping.

⭐ Slow down - We called it The Long Play for a reason. We’ll listen to the album repeatedly over the course of a month. Take our time, and immerse ourselves in it.

What is it?

The Long Play will be centred around a podcast that airs once a month, in which we will discuss our experience of listening to and getting to know that month’s album.

We will also organise listening parties to share that experience as a community before the episode releases, meaning we can discuss and enjoy the albums together.


Podcast - You can subscribe to our podcast via these links


WhatsApp - You can join our WhatsApp group here


Listening Parties - We’re going to host these on Discord, you can click here to join our server

How Does This Work?Tom and PaulPodcast Links
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